Warning: it's my birthday today!
Keep calm and birthday on.
Cheers to 18 years.
Guess who’s a legal adult?
From now on I can have ice cream for dinner anytime I want to.
18 Queen.
On this day, a queen was born.
On this day, a king was born.
We age not in years, but by stories.
Old enough to know better, but still young enough to try it.
So long dancing queen 17; hello to bigger dreams and 18.
Both an adult and a teenager.
Shout out to being a full adult!
Bringing bigger dreams to 18.
Now an adult—watch out.
Surround yourself with people who are more excited for your birthday than you are.
18, baby!
Rocking this birthday crown.
Apparently I’m an adult now. #18
Say hello to the world’s newest legal adult.
And so begins Chapter 18.
Here for the cake.
Staying 18 until further notice.
Keep calm and blow those candles out.